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Stanislav P. Ksenz. Professor, doctor of technical sciences, corresponding member of the Military Sciences Academy

Stanislav P. Ksenz
Professor, doctor of technical sciences


Stanislav P. Ksenz was born 1933 in Novocherkassk in russian-ukrainian family. Blockade Leningrad 1941-1942. Red Baltic Fleet, Kronstadt young sailor, participant of the World War II . Engineer of RTM on the vessels of the Soviet Baltic Fleeted Shipbuilding dockyard, 1956-1964. Docent, candidate of the techniques sciences in Caspian High Naval School till 1973. Professor, doctor of the techniques sciences in Military Academy of Communication (from 1973 till 1983). Scientific worker in State Scientific-research Navigation and Hydrographic Institute of Ministry of Defense, corresponding member of the Military Sciences Academy from 1989.


Theoretical and practical aspects of diagnostics, maintainability and reliability of the complex systems. Defects, faults and numerous catastrophically (combat) damages of the technical systems. Searching of the fault. Compensation of the diagnostic errors.

Ксенз С.П.
"Fleet - is my life"
Stanislav P. Ksenz

Applied aspects of the algorithmically diagnostics

1. Technologies of the diagnostics
  • radioelectronic armament: radar, asdics, fire control systems;
  • means of navigation: radionavigate systems, gyrocompasses, inertial navigate complexes;
  • means of communication: transmitters and receivers, equipment for transmitting of the information, television equipment;
  • electrical equipment and nets of the stationary and moved objects, systems of the nutrition and control of the vessel, ships, caterpillar and wheeled combat machines and flying apparatuses;
  • electroenergetical systems: diselectrical staticus, nuclear electrical stations and another objects.
2. Course of the studies “Technical Diagnostics” for engineers and technicians.

3. Consultations in the sphere of all aspects of the diagnostics and maintainability for minimisation of the time and value of the diagnostics and restoring of the complex systems. Admissible degree of the automatisation of the diagnostics. Basic books of the scientific school of algoritmical diagnostics, wich had bech created by professor St. P. Ksenz.

Russia, St.-Petersburg, 198216, L-216,
Leninsky Prospekt, 128, flat 133
phone (home) +7 812 255 39 23
phone (office) +7 812 217 97 88, 217 97 89 (Tuesday 10.00-16.00 msk)
e-mail: gningi@navy.ru

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